Are the copious amounts of occasion treats getting the better of you?

A humorous take on this serious issue from the Guardian on ‘Cake Culture’ where sugary office-based snacking is contributing to an epidemic of obesity and poor oral health in this country. (Link at end of post)

Failing to resist and the guilt felt is a conversation that’s risen numerous times with my office worker and NHS clients who complain of the struggle to resist the temptation of the bad treats in the workplace.  Although seemed as a nice treat for birthdays and thank yous, in reality do you wish they weren’t there?  Is the guilt after consuming handfuls of bite-sized chocolates or the debate whether or not to have another biscuit really worth it?

Ok so a few points from the article may be a tad unrealistic but once you’ve mastered an alternative healthy option and blurt out that initial ‘no thanks’ to the first bite – you’ll leave work feeling proud and ready for your healthy evening meal.

It’s certainly takes willpower and standing up to make suggestions to encourage a healthier workplace, but be the one to initiate it.  Your colleagues will thank you later.

How to avoid getting fat at work:

  • Plan your food for the day and stick to it.
  • Practice the initial ‘no thank you’. – The first taste of something sweet will only leave you wanting more. Say no from the start and see how good you feel 20 minutes later. It’s really hard to have just the one!
  • A small piece of dark chocolate (70% cocoa or higher) aids prevention for sweeter things.
  • Carrot sticks and hummus really are quite nice! Pre-cut some sticks or other veg alternatives and offer them around.

Read the full article:

Don’t be a doughnut – put in into practice today!

How healthy is your workplace?  Are you surrounded by sweet treats?  Does your company have a wellbeing scheme in place?  Do you get out for exercise at lunchtimes?  I’d love to hear what happens in your place of work – please leave your comments below.

Théa X